About Me

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I'm an honours student in Medieval Studies at the University of Sydney. I specialise in Anglo-Saxon, with a side order of Middle English and- sometimes- a garnish in Old French. Thematically speaking, I'm interested in medieval christianity, particularly hagiography; I'm interested in the role of the Church in social and political structures; I have a thing for powerful dead bishops; I like a sprinkling of women's history with my religious history; and I have a morbid obsession with the verb þyncan.********* My wordhoard has been locked by Google's anti-spam bots. Since they show no signs of inclination to unlock me, you may find The Naked Philologist at http://nakedphilologist.wordpress.com

Monday, April 14, 2008


`Since Google locked this blog for three weeks without reason, I've moved to The Naked Philologist- Wordpress edition